The 1BC program offers a uniform and certified European standard of academic business education composed of ten core subjects. Each module can be concluded as classroom seminar of 2-3 days or as self-study program. Various individual combinations of these modules are both possible and useful.
Marketing & Service Management
The core-value of this module is teaching the participants about the marketing mix. How to create a unique product? Which price is my customer willing to pay? Which distribution channels work best form my product? How to communicate the uniqueness of my product to external stakeholders? Which communication tools are most efficient? How to design a useful message? All these questions will be answered in this module by distributing useful tools and templates. Finally, each element of the marketing-plan will be discussed.
Human Resources
In this module the participants learn about the meaning of formal structures in companies and the usage of different organisation forms in practice. They learn about sub-aspects and duties and responsibilities of human resource management and understanding the importance of the meaning of organisation-culture within the company.
One focus will be laid on staff recruiting and selection. The participants of this module will gain an insight in staff-development and staff-evaluation. Various management-conceptions and leadership-theories, as well as their usage in practice will be taken into closer consideration. Cooperate communication and employee motivation as leadership-functions form important sub-aspects of this module. Finally, participants learn about the most important employment law principles.
Corporate Management
In this module you will acquire basic knowledge of management. After learning about theoretical and practical aspects of corporate governance, you get detailled information about strategic management. Important policy approaches and algorithms for data analysis (e.g. the environmental and business analysis) will be dealt with. It also discusses the strategy development in terms of competitiveness.
Another focus is placed on the discussion of the approaches of strategic and value-based management. You will learn about the shareholder and stakeholder concepts. To complete this issue you will deal with the notion of value-based performance management and will discuss various traditional and modern performance management systems such as the Balanced Scorecard.
Production, Process & Quality Management
This module is going to make you familiar with the foundations of process management. You get to know the goals of process management as well as their important meaning within a company. Further you learn how to demarcate a process from a project. After having accomplished this module, you will be able to differentiate between strategic and functional process management. In this setting you learn about the continuous quality improvement, which is often used in practice. Furthermore, this module is treating methods of process enhancement, e.g. customer evaluation, process evaluation and process measurement.
Another domain contains the topic of quality management. You learn about different quality philosophies, e.g. Kaizen or Total Quality Management and different procedure models e.g. Deming-Kreis and Quality Improvement Cycle. There will be a focus on the application of chosen quality management method.
Besides you learn about production management and the most important ratios related to this subject. A strong focus is on logistics, warehousing, transport and procurement. How to determine your demand and how to come to a make-or-buy decision is also discussed in this module. Finally you will also learn about managing relationships with suppliers and about optimizing order transactions.
In this module participants learn about business cycles and prognoses. In the centre of this model we have the magic polygon. Business cycle and economic growth, currency stability, labour market and foreign economies build central topics of this module. Business cycles, economic cycle of growth and economic indicators will be regarded as a basis for forecasts. The price level stability and different kinds of inflation causes will be introduced using the development of the oil price. Participants get to know determining factors of the currency rate.
Accounting & Balance Sheet Analysis
This module is going to make you familiar with the foundation of double-entry accounting. The participants will be taught about the theoretical aspects of purchase tax as well as their booking and accounting with the finance office. They will get to know bookings in the field of buying and disposal, using personal accounts. Further, they will gain an insight in cash basis accounting.
Finally, we will discuss financial analysis. Basic ratio area will be introduced to you. You will learn how to interpret and calculate Cash Flow, deduced Cash-Flow ratio area, ratio area of assets and liabilities structure, capital structure and profitability ratios. Furthermore, you will be able to do the Quick-Test after having completed this module. Besides, this module is giving an overview over various standards of annual accounts.
Cost Management
In this module the participants get a closer insight to cost accounting. After having completed this module, you will understand the difference between accounting and cost accounting. You will get to know the overhead costing sheet and learn to differ between direct costs, overhead costs and extraordinary costs. There, participants learn about different possibilities of cost application with and without using cost units. Cost object accounting will be treated, with which you can calculate direct costs and market price of a product.
Financial Management & Investment Planning
In this module participants learn about different kinds of financing. After having completed this module they will be able to construct a finance plan. The participants gain an overview over finance institutions and their business segments. Within the framework of capital procurement respectively financing credit and leasing financing and their impact on the annual accounts will be discussed. You will get to know different kinds of credits and will be prepared for a credit interview and loan application.
Another sub-aspect in this module will be financing ratio. Further, equity ratio, liquidy ratio and the calculation of cash flow will be discussed. After having completed this module, the participants will know about the development of the Leverage effect. Moreover, this module includes investment planning using static and dynamic methods of equity ratio. They learn about net present value method, regular annual payment method, intern interest factor method and the method of modified intern interest factor.
The topic of securities, stocks and bonds will be a central topic of this module. Important characteristics of creditor documents, municipal bonds, option bonds, stocks, investment funds, investment share certificates, share certificates, as well as Option & Future will be introduced. Another emphasis will be laid on calculation of interest yield respectively actual yield of stocks.
Business Law
In the field of business law you will get to know the legal basis of the European Union. By doing that, you will have a closer look at the development and structure of the European Union, consumer protection as duty of the EU and legal instruments of the European Union. The core of attention in this module is the examination of the guideline principle. You will get to know the guideline for door-to-door sellings, sale of consumer goods and product liability. With every guideline you will receive an overview over the application area of the guideline, the application problems and the conversion to national right. Given examples from the jurisdiction will lead you to an estimation of different cases and situations.
Further you will gain an overview on different society structures in Austria. You will also learn about the foundations of E-Commerce law, e.g. general terms and conditions of the Internet or the right of withdrawal.
English for Business
In this module, participants train grammar knowledge as well as communicative skills. This module makes you familiar with the most important tenses. Another focus lies on indirect speech, passive voice and conditional clauses.
Participants learn how to lead small-talk conversations in English and to talk about different business related topics, e.g. structure of a company or staff motivation. Another focus will be finance management and Corporate Social Responsibility. After having completed this module, you will know how to do a balance sheet, an income statement and single positions in English. Moreover, you will be able to discuss social responsibility of a company easily. Completing these units, you will be able to take care of the phone and understand and answer E-mails, letters and faxes in English language. We will also train how to read newspaper articles. Participants will learn how to write CVs and applications and will be prepared for possible job interviews in English.
Another emphasis will be laid on successful presentations. The participants learn how to build up a presentation and get to know important rhetorical techniques as well as phrases. After having completed this module, you will easily be ready to give a presentation in a company about sales statistics and future trends.